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Kerygma 4 Kids - Kindergarten, Chapter 1 --- Jesus is Your Light

In this first section, we want to help each child discover the personal love of God. Kindergartners have a growing sense of identity and self-worth. They need individual attention, affirmation, and assurance of God's love. We begin by drawing on a common experience for children this age: being afraid of the dark. The theme of light and darkness helps the children understand that God meets them in their needs. The child is introduced to Jesus, the light of the world, and is guided in discovering the benefits of being friends with Jesus.

This first section helps the child understand that, while Jesus lived a long time ago, He is still alive today. It is important for the child to know that he or she is seen by Jesus and that they are special.

Kindergartners need to experience faith in a warm, secure environment. The guided meditation helps the child encounter Jesus very personally. Kindergartners love to hear stories and can express simple prayers. Their sense of wonder draws them to the deeper meaning of things and provides a natural capacity for profound prayer. Experiencing the peace and love of Jesus first-hand will help them to know that they are secure in His embrace.

Be sure to create an appropriate environment for the guided Scripture meditation. Kindergartners are easily distracted. You may want to use instrumental background music during the meditation to help block distractions. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you in what you say and the length of time you spend in the prayer. Be confident that the Lord will, in fact, speak to the hearts of the children.

As you draw this section to a close, help the children remember that they are always under God's protection.