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Kerygma 4 Kids - Grade 4, Chapter 2 --- You are God's work of art

This lesson contains the proclamation of the kerygma --- the Good News that Jesus died and rose to save us from sin.

The theme of art is continued in this section. We begin by helping the children understand that hearts are fragile and that sin makes God's handiwork ugly. At this age, children are concerned about being right or wrong. They also begin to see parents and authority figures as fallible human beings and see inconsistencies and imperfections. Fourth graders are concrete thinkers, understand cause and effect, and are concerned about justice. It's important for the children to understand that sin is at the root of bad behaviors and that justice demands punishment for sin.

The impossibility of reaching heaven without Jesus cannot be ignored and is presented here in an age-appropriate way. The aim is to help the child grasp the necessity of Jesus for our salvation. The idea of death can be confusing and scary for a fourth grader. Help them to see that because of Jesus, death is not the end and that, in heaven, we may be reunited with our loved ones.

A story is presented as an analogy to appeal to the child's sense of justice and to help the child understand what Jesus accomplishes through His passion, death, and resurrection. It's "unthinkable" that a friend would pay the price for someone else's mistake; this unlikely act can help the child open up to the radical love of God.

This lesson closes by reminding the children that Jesus is alive today and that forgiveness of sins is offered to us. God always gives us a way to restore our friendship with Him.