Laborer for the double monastery of Whitby, composer of hymns and other Biblical poems in Anglo-Saxon, who died between 670 and 680.
Here is CatholicBrain's index of Saints. This is a great resource for learning about the lives of the saints at home or in the classroom!
![Caesarius of Arles]( Caesarius of Arles-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Caesarius of Arles
Bishop, theologian, renowned as a popular preacher, wrote two monastic rules, died 543
Saint Cajetan
Also known as St. Gaetano. Founder of the Theatines.
![Camillus de Lellis](
Saint Camillus de Lellis
Founder of a religious order devoted to care of the sick and dying.
Saint Canice
Irish priest, monastic founder, missionary to Scotland, d. 600.
Saint Canute IV
King of Denmark, martyr, d. 1086
Saint Carthage
Also known as Mochuda. Irish monk, priest, hermit, founder. He composed a monastic rule in Irish verse. Died in 637.
![Casimir]( Casimir-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Casimir
Casimir grew up in a world where his life was not his own. As a prince of Poland, the second son of King Casimir IV and Elizabeth of Austria, his life was scheduled to cement his father's authority and increase Poland's power.
![Catherine de' Ricci](
Saint Catherine de' Ricci
Cloistered Third Order Dominican nun, mystic, who died in 1590.
![Catherine of Alexandria](
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Virgin and martyr. In the Middle Ages, one of the most popular saints.
![Catherine of Bologna]( Catherine of Bologna-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Catherine of Bologna
Poor Clare, mystic, and writer, who died in 1463
![Catherine of Genoa]( - St. Catherine of Genoa-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Catherine of Genoa
Mystic and author, who died in 1510.
![Catherine of Siena](
Saint Catherine of Siena
Third Order Dominican, hermit, reformer, mystic, d. 1380
![Catherine of Sweden]( Catherine of Sweden-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Catherine of Sweden
Daughter of St. Bridget of Sweden. Widow, pilgrim, superior of the Brigittine motherhouse, d. 1381.
Saint Ceadda
Commonly known as St. Chad. Seventh-century bishop of Lichfield.
![Cecilia]( Cecilia-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Cecilia
Virgin and martyr; patroness of church music
Saint Cedd
Brother of St. Chad (Ceadda) and bishop of the East Saxons, d. 664.
Saint Ceolfrid
Anglo-Saxon Benedictine, abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow, d. 716
Saint Ceslaus
Commonly known as St. Chad. Seventh-century bishop of Lichfield
Saint Chaeromon
Bishop of Nilopolis, in Egypt
![Charles Borromeo](
Saint Charles Borromeo
Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal, a leading light of the Catholic Reformation
![Charles of Sezze]( of Sezze-thumbnail.png)
Saint Charles of Sezze
John Charles Marchioni was born at Sezze, Italy, on October 19, of humble parents. He became a shepherd and wanted to become a priest.
Saint Christopher
Martyr, probably of the third century. Although Christopher has been a center of popular legend since the sixth century, all that can be known for certain is that he was a great martyr
Saint Chrodegang
Bishop of Metz, d. 766
Saint Chromatius
Bishop of Aquileia, anti-Arian theologian, tried to reconcile Rufinus and Jerome, d. 406 or 407
![Chrysanthus and Daria](
Saint Chrysanthus and Daria
Martyrs at Rome, perhaps in 283 or 284
![Chrysogonus]( Chrysogonus-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Chrysogonus
Martyr at Aquileia, probably during the Diocletian persecution
![Clare of Assisi](
Saint Clare of Assisi
Cofounded the 'Poor Clares' with St. Francis. She died in 1253
![Clare of Montefalco](
Saint Clare of Montefalco
Abbess, claimed by both the Franciscans and the Augustinians, d. 1308
![Claude de la Colombière](
Saint Claude de la Colombière
Jesuit missionary, ascetical writer, spiritual director to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. He died in 1682
Saint Clement of Ireland
Also known as Clemens Scotus. Famed scholar and teacher of youth, died no earlier than 818
Saint Clotilda
Queen of the Franks, wife of King Clovis I and grandmother of St. Cloud. Devoted to St. Martin of Tours and instrumental in the conversion of the Franks, she died in 545
Saint Colette
Founder of the Colettine Poor Clares (Clarisses), d. 1447
Saint Colman
Irishman martyred while on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, near Vienna in 1012
Saint Colman Mac Lenine
Founder and patron saint of the Diocese of Cloyne, poet, d. 601
Saint Colman of Dalaradia
First bishop and patron saint of Dromore. Born in Dalaradia c. 450, date of death uncertain
Saint Colman of Mayo
Monk of Iona, bishop of Lindisfarne, later founded the Abbey and Diocese of Mayo, d. 676
Saint Columba
Also known as Columcille. Long article on the Irish-born monk, founder and abbot of Iona. He died in 597
Saint Columbanus
Irish-born abbot of Luxeuil and Bobbio, author of a monastic rule and of a penitential, d. 615
Saint Columba of Sens
Woman martyred towards the end of the third century
![Columba of Spain](
Saint Columba of Spain
A nun beheaded by the Muslims in 853
Saint Columba of Terryglass
A disciple of St. Finnian of Clonard, and himself taught St. Fintan. This St. Columba founded the monastery of Tirdaglas, and died of the plague in 552
Saint Comgall
Founder and abbot of the monastery of Bangor, d. 597 or 602
Saint Conal
Or Conall. Bishop of Drum, County Roscommon--now called Drumconnell, after the saint. Blood brother of St. Attracta. St. Conal died in about 500
Saint Conan
Also known as Mochonna. Irish missionary and Bishop of the Isle of Man, d. 684
![Conrad of Piacenza](
Saint Conrad of Piacenza
Married man, penitent, Third Order Franciscan hermit, d. 1351
![Cosmas and Damian]( Cosmas and Damian-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Cosmas and Damian
Twins, physicians, and martyrs. They died on 27 September, probably in the year 287
Saint Crispina
African matron, martyred in Numidia in 304
![Crispin and Crispinian]( Crisipin and Crispian-thumbnail.png)
Saint Crispin and Crispinian
Martyrs of the Diocletian persecution, d. 285 or 286
![Cuthbert]( - St. Cuthbert-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Cuthbert
Soldier, monk, bishop of Lindisfarne, hermit
Saint Cyprian and Justina
Christians of Antioch martyred at Nicomedia, 26 September, 304. Already in the same century, quite a colorful legend arose about them
![Cyprian of Carthage](
Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Bishop and martyr
Saint Cyprian of Toulon
Bishop of Toulon, student and biographer of St. Caesarius of Arles. Cyprian died in 546
![Cyril and Methodius]( - Sts. Cyril and Methodius-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Cyril and Methodius
Also called Constantine and Methodius. Biography of these ninth-century brothers, Apostles of the Slavs
![Cyril of Alexandria](
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Doctor of the Church, and anti-Nestorian theologian
![Cyril of Constantinople](án_-_Saint_Cyril_of_Constantinople_-_22.642_-_Museum_of_Fine_Arts-thumbnail.jpg)
Saint Cyril of Constantinople
Father General of the Carmelites, had a reputation for prophecy, d. about 1235
![Cyril of Jerusalem](
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
Bishop, Doctor of the Church, d. 386
![Cyrus and John](
Saint Cyrus and John
Companions in life and in martyrdom. Beheaded in the Diocletian persecution