To understand why do we have the sacrament of Reconciliation and the seriousness of sin.
Reconciliation Lesson 2
When we are sorry for our sins and come to God for forgiveness, He will always forgive us. As children of our Father, we have to be like Him. God forgives us every time, so we must forgive others.
Reconciliation Lesson 3
Understanding the sacrifice Jesus did to pay the price of our sins and gave us something amazing - the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Reconciliation Lesson 4
Learn how Confession and confessing our sins can heal us.
Reconciliation Lesson 5
God gives his Forgiveness so freely, that sometimes we forget that He asks anything from us. All He asks is that we forgive others and we are sorry for our sins.
Reconciliation Lesson 6
Why do we get Penance? This is a very good question. Learn the reason why we get penance when we go to Reconciliation.
Reconciliation Lesson 7
Before going to Reconciliation, we have to prepare by examining our conscience so we know what we need to confess.