Advent Quiz 3
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50. What is omitted from Mass during Advent?
49. What is the meaning of "Advent"?
48. What feast immediately follows Advent?
47. We fast during Advent.
46. What does the rose Advent candle on the Advent wreath symbolize?
45. What does the second purple Advent candle on the Advent wreath symbolize?
44. What does the first purple Advent candle on the Advent wreath symbolize?
43. On Gaudete Sunday it is tradition for the Pope to do what in Rome?
42. Each of the four Advent candles represent what time period?
41. Who is credited with creating the first nativity scene?
40. How many months was Elizabeth pregnant when Mary visited her?
39. How many days after his birth did Joseph and Mary name Jesus?
38. What animals are mentioned in the Bible as being in the stable with Mary Joseph?
37. "For there is born this day in__________________ a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. "
36. Where in Palestine is Bethlehem located?
35. What prophet foretold Jesus' birth?
34. The wise men are only mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.
33. What country did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to escape Herod's decree to kill the children?
32. What was Herod's reaction to the news that Jesus was born?
31. In which Gospel do the shepherds appear?
30. The magi or wise men were from ______________.
29. What was the name of Jesus' earthly grandfather?
27. Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem for a census decreed by _____________.
26. Who sent the magi to visit the baby Jesus?
25. The name Jesus means_________.
24. After the shepherds learn of the birth of Jesus what do they do?
23. The bible states that Jesus was born on December 25th.
22. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth ______, and good will toward men.
21. Who told the shepherds about Jesus' birth?
20. She shall bring forth a son and you shall call him________.
19. How was Joseph told what to name his child?
18. According to tradition what did Mary ride on while traveling with Joseph to Bethlehem?
17. The Magi brought frankincense, myrrh, and _________ as gifts for the messiah.
16. How many gifts did the Magi bring Jesus?
15. Jesus was laid in a manger. A manger is _______________.
14. The innkeeper told Joseph and Mary what?
13. How many Sundays are there in Advent?
12. The third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday. What color vestments does the priest wear this Sunday?
11. What color vestments does the priest wear during Advent?
10. What feast of Mary is celebrated during Advent?
9. Advent begins what?
8. The advent wreath has three purple candles and one _____ candle.
7. What sign did the shepherds see in the sky?
6. Who said "My soul magnifies the Lord"?
5. Who did the angels appear to in the fields?
4. "Today in the Town of David a savior __________."
3. What is the name of Elizabeth's child?
2. What did the child in Elizabeth's womb do when Mary visited Elizabeth?
1 - Who said?: Mary, do not be afraid; you have won God's favor.