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The Solemnity of Christ the King (titled "Quiz")

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When is the Solemnity of Christ the King celebrated?

First Sunday of Advent
Last Sunday of the Liturgical Year
The day before Christmas
First day of the Liturgical Year

The Catholic Church's Liturgical calendar is broken down into special seasons.


Which of the following is NOT a special season of the Liturgical Year:


What is the Solemnity of Christ the King also called?

Jesus, King of Earth
Solemnity of the Heavenly Kingdom
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Lord of All Kingdoms

While on earth, Jesus was not the kind of king the Jews were expecting.


The Solemnity of Christ the King was instituted by which Pope?

Pope Pius XI
Pope John Paul II
Pope Benedict
Pope Francis

While on earth, Jesus spent His time with:

Common people
All of the above

Pope Piux XI hoped that by remembering Jesus as king, governments and people would respect and praise Jesus as king and ruler of their lives.


When Jesus was being questioned by Pontius Pilate before his crucifixion, He said:

"My kingdom is in Jerusalem."
"I have no kingdom."
"My kingdom is not of this world."
"Kingdom? What Kingdom?"

Governments and people ALWAYS respect and praise Jesus as king and ruler of their lives.




When is the Solemnity of Christ the King celebrated?

The Catholic Church's Liturgical calendar is broken down into special seasons.

Which of the following is NOT a special season of the Liturgical Year:

What is the Solemnity of Christ the King also called?

While on earth, Jesus was not the kind of king the Jews were expecting.

The Solemnity of Christ the King was instituted by which Pope?

While on earth, Jesus spent His time with:

Pope Piux XI hoped that by remembering Jesus as king, governments and people would respect and praise Jesus as king and ruler of their lives.

When Jesus was being questioned by Pontius Pilate before his crucifixion, He said:

Governments and people ALWAYS respect and praise Jesus as king and ruler of their lives.