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NT 305 - Feed My Sheep

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Where did Peter and the other disciples go?

To the Temple
To Rome
To see Pontius Pilate

What did Peter do when he learned that the man on the shore was Jesus?

Ran away
Jumped in the water and swam to shore
Gave Jesus some fish
Told the other Apostles to leave them alone

What did Jesus ask Peter?

If he loved Him
If he knew how to be a shepherd
What he would do with the fish
Where the other Apostles were

How many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved Him?

Three times

What did Jesus tell Peter to do?

Go to Jerusalem
Build churches
Put John in charge
Shepherd His sheep



Where did Peter and the other disciples go?

What did Peter do when he learned that the man on the shore was Jesus?

What did Jesus ask Peter?

How many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved Him?

What did Jesus tell Peter to do?