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Easter Triduum

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What is the Easter Vigil?

Holy Week through Good Friday
Good Friday service
The first celebration of the Resurrection on Holy Saturday night
The celebration of Jesus' Last Supper

What do we remember during the day on Holy Saturday?

Jesus' Ascension
Jesus' entry into Jerusalem
Jesus in the tomb

How can we show respect to Jesus' cross during the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday?

Kissing the cross
Touching the cross
Kneeling at the cross
All of the above

What days does the Easter Triduum include:

Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
All of the above

What does the Easter Triduum celebrate?

Miracles of Jesus
Birth of Jesus
Last days of Jesus
The Ascension of Jesus

What is the Mass called that celebrates Jesus' Last Supper?

Passover Mass
Eucharist Mass
The Mass of the Lord's Supper
None of the above

What takes place at the Good Friday service?

Consecrated hosts are distributed
Passion of Our Lord is read
Veneration of the Cross
All of the above

What does Triduum mean?

One week
Three days
Three weeks
40 days

When does the Easter Triduum begin?

sundown of Holy Thursday
The morning of Easter
Good Friday
Holy Saturday

What day commemorates the Last Supper?

Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday

What ceremony is performed after the homily at the Holy Thursday Mass?

Foot washing
Veneration of the cross
Blessing of palms
Blessing of water

At the end of Holy Thursday Mass where is the Blessed Sacrament processed to:

Main altar
Altar of repose
Placed back in the tabernacle
None of the above

On Good Friday how does the church look?

Flowers fill the altar
It looks the same
It looks bare
None of the above

What is empty and open on Good Friday?

The tabernacle
The church
The confessional
All of the above

What is the Mass called that is celebrated at dark on Holy Saturday night?

Easter Vigil
Holy Saturday Mass
The Last Supper
The Mass of our Lord

What takes place outside the church before the Easter Vigil Mass?

A fire is lit

What candle is processed into church to begin the Easter Vigil Mass?

The Easter candle
The sanctuary candle
The Baptism candle
The Paschal Candle

What is the first part of the Easter Vigil Mass called?

The Service of Light
The Consecration
The Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of Baptism

What is blessed by the priest at the Easter Vigil Mass?


When is the Easter Triduum over?

Evening of Easter Sunday
Holy Saturday
Palm Sunday



What is the Easter Vigil?

What do we remember during the day on Holy Saturday?

How can we show respect to Jesus' cross during the Veneration of the Cross on Good Friday?

What days does the Easter Triduum include:

What does the Easter Triduum celebrate?

What is the Mass called that celebrates Jesus' Last Supper?

What takes place at the Good Friday service?

What does Triduum mean?

When does the Easter Triduum begin?

What day commemorates the Last Supper?

What ceremony is performed after the homily at the Holy Thursday Mass?

At the end of Holy Thursday Mass where is the Blessed Sacrament processed to:

On Good Friday how does the church look?

What is empty and open on Good Friday?

What is the Mass called that is celebrated at dark on Holy Saturday night?

What takes place outside the church before the Easter Vigil Mass?

What candle is processed into church to begin the Easter Vigil Mass?

What is the first part of the Easter Vigil Mass called?

What is blessed by the priest at the Easter Vigil Mass?

When is the Easter Triduum over?