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Holy Week

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What time did Jesus die on the cross?

Three o'clock
Nine o'clock

Where was Jesus' agony in the garden?

Mt. Sinai

Who denied Jesus three times after Jesus' arrest?


What day remembers Jesus in the tomb?

Holy Thursday
Palm Sunday
Holy Saturday
Good Friday

What do we call the day Jesus died for us on the cross?

Holy Thursday
Palm Sunday
Holy Saturday
Good Friday

Where did Jesus and His disciples celebrate the Passover meal?

Garden of Gethsemane
The Lower Room
The Upper Room
The Temple

Who was plotting to have Jesus killed?

High Priests and Pharisees
Joseph of Arimathea

What did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?

10 pieces of gold
25 shillings
5 gold rings
30 pieces of silver

Why were the people throwing down palm branches in front of Jesus as He rode in Jerusalem?

The people were recognizing Jesus as their King
The people were mad at Jesus
The people were feeding the donkey Jesus was riding on
None of the above

What is another name for Palm Sunday?

Holy Sunday
Passion Sunday
Mercy Sunday
Easter Sunday

What did Jesus do for his disciples at The Last Supper?

Cook their meal
Wash the dishes
Washed their feet
Cleared the table

What is the first day of Holy Week?

Holy Thursday
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Good Friday

When is Palm Sunday?

One week before Easter Sunday
40 days after Easter Sunday
3 days before Easter Sunday
50 days before Easter Sunday

What branches are blessed by the priest on Palm Sunday?

Olive branches
Palm branches
Cedar branches
Pine branches

Which Jewish feast was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper?


Where did they take Jesus after He was arrested?

To Pilate
To Caiaphas
To Herod
To Caesar

What is the time that begins on Holy Thursday and ends on Easter Sunday called?

The time of mourning
The Triduum
The Forty Hours
None of the Above

When did Jesus give us the gift of the Eucharist?

The Last Supper
The Ascension
The Wedding Feast of Cana

What is the name of the hill Jesus carried His cross up to His crucifixion?

Mt. Sinai

What did the people throw down before Jesus when He rode into Jerusalem?

Stones and sticks
Their staffs
Their cloaks and palms
Their money



What time did Jesus die on the cross?

Where was Jesus' agony in the garden?

Who denied Jesus three times after Jesus' arrest?

What day remembers Jesus in the tomb?

What do we call the day Jesus died for us on the cross?

Where did Jesus and His disciples celebrate the Passover meal?

Who was plotting to have Jesus killed?

What did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?

Why were the people throwing down palm branches in front of Jesus as He rode in Jerusalem?

What is another name for Palm Sunday?

What did Jesus do for his disciples at The Last Supper?

What is the first day of Holy Week?

When is Palm Sunday?

What branches are blessed by the priest on Palm Sunday?

Which Jewish feast was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper?

Where did they take Jesus after He was arrested?

What is the time that begins on Holy Thursday and ends on Easter Sunday called?

When did Jesus give us the gift of the Eucharist?

What is the name of the hill Jesus carried His cross up to His crucifixion?

What did the people throw down before Jesus when He rode into Jerusalem?