The Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments (Precepts)
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True/False - If someone has committed a mortal sin, he or she should get to Confession as soon as possible.
True/False - God does not care if we keep the precepts of the Church.
Which sacraments are addressed by the precepts of the Church?
True/False - The precepts of the Church represent the minimum a Catholic must do to practice the Faith.
Which sacrament is addressed by the sixth precept of the Church?
Which precept requires that we contribute to the support of the Church?
True/False - Frequent Communion is an important spiritual practice.
During which season are we obligated to receive Holy Communion?
True/False - It is good to go to Confession more frequently than is required.
According to the precept, what is the minimum we must go to Confession?