The First Commandment of God
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True/False - Superstitious activities like horoscopes and fortune telling are okay as long as you don't take them seriously.
True/False - God made us for relationship with Him, and we have a need to worship Him.
Which sin is giving a bad example that can lead others to sin?
Which sin means mistreating or disrespecting sacred things?
Which is most important?
True/False - The more we love God, the better we will be able to love others.
Which is not a sin?
Which can help guard our faith?
Which is a sin against hope?
Which theological virtue means trusting in God's promises?
Which theological virtue means loving God above all things and loving our neighbor for the love of God?
Which theological virtue means believing what God has revealed?
How many gods may we believe in?
What place in our lives should God hold?
"I am the Lord your God. You shall not have false gods besides me." This is the: