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Lesson 32 - How to Make a Good Confession Grade 3-5

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It is good to receive the sacrament of penance often.


What special gift do we receive in the sacrament of penance?

A Miraculous Medal
All of the above

We are not allowed to receive the sacrament of penance unless we have committed a mortal sin.


What does Father give us at the end of our confession?

A high five
A new rosary
A ticket to the church
A penance

What prayer do we pray in the sacrament of penance?

Apostles Creed
Hail Mary
Our Father
Act of Contrition

It is okay to intentionally omit a mortal sin if it is embarrassing.


It is good to confess venial sins.


Which sins are we obligated to confess in the sacrament of penance?

All our venial sins
All our mortal sins
Some of our mortal sins
There is no obligation

What do we tell Father directly after, "Bless me, Father, I have sinned"?

Our most common sin
How long it's been since our last confession
The Act of Contrition
Why we came to confession

What should we do before receiving the sacrament of penance?

Examine our conscience
Drink a glass of water
Take a shower
Go to Mass



It is good to receive the sacrament of penance often.

What special gift do we receive in the sacrament of penance?

We are not allowed to receive the sacrament of penance unless we have committed a mortal sin.

What does Father give us at the end of our confession?

What prayer do we pray in the sacrament of penance?

It is okay to intentionally omit a mortal sin if it is embarrassing.

It is good to confess venial sins.

Which sins are we obligated to confess in the sacrament of penance?

What do we tell Father directly after, "Bless me, Father, I have sinned"?

What should we do before receiving the sacrament of penance?

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