- Daily & Weekly Activities
- Faith Formation Programs & Curriculum
- Assessments & Competitions
- Supplemental & Resources
- Seasonal Programs
- Classroom Management & Communication Tool
- Mobile App
- CatholicBrain Store
Daily & Weekly Activities
Daily activities to inspire Catholics to practices their faith daily, weekly and all year round
- Daily Readings - Daily reading based on liturgical calendar
- Saint of the Day - Every day, watch a 3-minute video of the saint for that day
- Daily Bible Video - Watch a daily Bible video based on a 365-day Bible reading plan
- Quiz of the Day - Test your knowledge of the faith with a daily quiz

Faith Formation Programs & Curriculum
Faith Formation programs, sacramental prep programs, first communion & reconciliation, confirmation program, RCIA and adult faith formation programs.
- Adventure Catechism Video Lessons: Pre K-8th Grade
- Pillars of Faith Video Lessons Curriculum: 3-8th Grade & Adult
- Video Catechism Lessons for Teens
- Adventure Catechism First Communion and Reconciliation Program
- Adventure Catechism Confirmation Program
- Bible Reading Plans
- Advent Program with Father John & Brother Francis
- Lent Program with Father John
- VBS Program

Assessments & Competitions
Fun & Interactive assessments and competitions throughout the year to engage students and families in their faith.
- First Communion Assessment
- Confirmation assessment
- Bible Bowl
- Catechism Bowl

Supplemental & Resources
Additional tools and resources to learn the faith.
- Catholic Dictionary
- Fun Games and Quizzes
- Saint Directory
- Faith Based Videos
- Online Bible
- Songs
- Printable Activities
- Prayers

Seasonal Programs
Additional programs throughout the year.
- Advent program with Brother Francis & Father John
- 40 Days of Lent Program with Father John
- Adventure Catechism VBS Program
- 40 Days Bible Reading Challenge

Classroom Management & Communication Tools
Manage your entire faith formation and religious education program with CatholicBrain classroom management and communication tools.
- Student Portal
- Assign & Track Homework
- Parent Portal
- Email & Text Messaging
- Catechist & Teacher Portal
- Post Announcements
- Manage Students, Teachers & Catechists
- Scheduling
- Lesson Planning
- Take Attendance
- Student Progress & Report Card

Mobile App
Take CatholicBrain everywhere you go with our android and IOS apps.
- CatholicBrain IOS
- CatholicBrain Android
- CatholicBrain Connect APP

CatholicBrain Store
Buy additional content, books, curriculum and merchandise from our CatholicBrain partners.
- Access our Catholic ebooks store
- Buy additional curriculum and content from our partners
- Discount on all items